The Kirkland Ave Project kicked off with an Art-In this past Friday, February 13th. Though chilly, many people turned out to see what was going on and to creatively explore and document the alley with us.

People came to draw, dance, photograph, video, play with projectors, and to learn more about the project.

There were activities that people could participate in, such as "If These Walls Could Talk", where one could imagine what one of the bricks in the wall might say, and write it down and stick it to a new "wall."

Another activity was to frame something in the space that you want someone else to notice with duct tape.

People wrote haikus constructed from the graffiti and words in the alley, and made rubbings with crayons to capture the different textures in the space.
Watch locked neighborhood
unauthorized pirate kiss
complete disposal
unauthorized pirate kiss
complete disposal
- by RPWB
It was really interesting to see what people created and left behind in Kirkland Ave.

It was wonderful talking with so many people and hearing their stories and ideas about the space. A big thank you to everyone who came out and played and shared with us! If you or your work is in any of these photos, please let us know! Thanks to Julia Handschuh and Haley Morgan for photos from the Art-In.
Also, thank you to Ballybunion Reality, LLC for letting us use the breezeway behind the Guild for tea and warmth, to Deals and Steals and the Green Bean for supplying the tea and cups, to Mike for helping us clean and set up, and to all of the building owners and managers for their support in this project.
Be sure to check out the glass cases in the breezeway behind the Guild for more documentation of the Kirkland Ave Project, and mark your calendars for the Art-Out and artHAPPENING on March 13th from 4-7pm!
great pictures, looks like it was awesome ! good jorb haley.