Last week a group of kids came through the alley while a bunch of us were painting. "What is it?" one of the kids asked, pointing to the mural. I asked them what they thought it could be. "An owl!" yelled one. "No, a bug!" shouted another. "It looks like the yellow submarine" one of the girls chimed in. The smallest boy boldly said, "No, I know what it is- a celebration!"

As you can see, the mural is close to finished. Only a couple more hours of work and it's complete! Cross your fingers for good weather this week...
We will be having an official unveiling & celebration this
Friday, October 9th, from 6-9pm. I'm really excited to celebrate this project and all the people who made it happen! There's going to be music all evening, featuring Ed Rosser, the wheeling piano guy, from 6-8pm.
Eric Hnatow, the flashy electro guy, will be playing from 8-9pm (hopefully with
light up jacket in tow!). There will be cider and cookies to munch on, as well as
surprise interactive spectacles (ooh la la...) to enjoy. And don't worry if you haven't gotten your
Golden Brick yet, you can still purchase them Friday night for $10. You seriously should definitely probably absolutely stop by. It's going to be an awesome time. Really. This event corresponds with Northampton's monthly Arts Night Out, so make sure you check out the other great art events happening all around downtown Northampton.